A recent meta-analysis of 343 different peer-reviewed scientific articles indicate statistically significant and meaningful differences between organic and conventional fruits & vegetables. This flies in the face of other recent articles that concluded there is no difference in the nutritive value of conventional versus organic produce.
For me, as a physician and someone who advises (and teaches) people on a day-to-day basis about the benefits of eating healthy nutritious foods, have to look at studies like these with another level of scrutiny. Basically, I have to take the information in the study, take a step back and consider whether or not it makes sense.
When the studies came out that reported there were no differences between organic and non-organic produce, it didn’t make sense. When you really know nutrition and understand how and where foods get their nutrients, I knew there had to be a difference. Again, it just didn’t make sense to me.
When the now proven erroneous) study came out that concluded taking Omega-3 caused an increased incidence of prostate cancer in men, I just didn’t believe it. Again, physiologically, it just did not make sense. Why? Because Omega-3 is an integral part of the body’s anti-inflammatory mechanism and is part of the system that fights inflammation and disease. Again, step back, take a breath, put some thought into it and see if it makes sense or not. Numerous scientists came out and showed how the “Omega-3 study” which wasn’t a study on Omega-3, was fatally flawed and how the conclusions were totally erroneous.
Understanding that you can take a statistic (100% of everyone that eats carrots will die) and put a spin on just about anything to support your objective, this British Journal of Nutrition study makes sense. It makes sense that growing foods (or grazing animals) on nutrient rich and toxin free soils would produce foods that have higher nutrient content, lower toxin content and be better choices for your health. When you think through the entire system of how foods are created and where they get their nutrient content, it just makes sense.
I understand that I need to be open to science that challenges my opinions and thought processes, but those too need to make sense. It may take a continuing education seminar to help me (or you) get there, but it still needs to make sense. So for now, I trust this study and can confidently tell you (as I did prior to this study) that you are justified in making the choice for organic fruits and veggies.
When it comes to eating meats, I firmly believe that; in order of importance (1) they must eat their natural evolutionary diet (2) organic. Why organic secondary? Because you could feed a cow organic corn/soy/sorghum and although organic, it’s not a cows natural evolutionary food (which is grass) and will ultimately make the cow sick and unhealthy, just like everyone that will eat it. So with meats, choose grassfed, free range, wild first, organic second. With produce, go organic.
Depending on your environment, chose the best that’s available.
To all my nutrition patients and my kids, I tell the following: What you eat eventually becomes your brain, your eyes, your kidneys, your liver, your spleen, your heart, your blood, your intestines, your bones, your skin, etc…What do you want your brain, your eyes and your heart made of?
Here’s a nice summary of the article by the L.A. Times
Yours in Health
Dr. Todd Narson
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